

Bridging Open

Delighted to know that you are interested in being part of Happy Health Salud. Corp., we are a team of people working under the umbrella of a single idea “Provide reliable and understandable health information and guidance for all our people, always trying to give them a ray of hope for their health problem and in the worst case a better quality of life”.

We spent 4 years designing and printing Happy Health Salud Magazine but the high costs force us to rethink a new strategy, continue working through social networks, although we still fall in love with the idea of printed material since it has a high number of readers within Generations 45 and over.

But Happy Health Salud is not only that, our complete project contains: An APP, a radio segment, a TV program, a Health Fair, in short, a lot of tools that help us reach our target group more effectively in each place. that we open our operation.

If you are thinking in the same direction and would like to be an economic partner of our company, we would like to share impressions and create the opportunity for both parties.

Send us an email at: [email protected] tell us about your interest and we will contact you as soon as possible, thank you.